
World News B January 25th 2008

-1 It was taken in Baghdad.
-2 It was taken on Wednesday April 9th 2003.
-3 The people cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
-4 群集は皆、サダム・フセインの像が倒れるのを見て、喜びの声を上げた。
-5 I think there were about 10,000 people.

-1 I think there were about 140 people.
-2 I think ‘crowds cheer’is accurate.
-3 I think the first picture shows collapsing.
-4 I think the photo can inform to around the world what the status in Baghdad
-5 I think the first photo is scary photo, because the people are very excited. The second photo is easy to understand the country circumstances.

I think that it is important for newspapers to tell the truth, because to lie is bad.

First, I’ll get a lot of information about that on the internet. Second, I’ll discussion with my friend or my family.

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