1) Watch the PowerPoint presentation. Write a summary of the key points (in Japanese or English) on your blog
⇒ ・ 必ずスペルチェックをする
・ インターネットの翻訳を使ってはいけない
・ 自分の英語、自分の力で文章を書く
・ 問題とその答えを書く
・ そのまま文章をコピーしたりしてはいけない
・ 引用した箇所はその詳細を明記する(URLなどを示す)
・ 自分の投稿した文章を読み返す
2) What is the purpose, objective, of a newspaper company?
⇒ I think the newspaper company wants to inform us of a lot of news so they write whatever they want to tell even if it’s no true.
3) What is the purpose, objective, of a television company?
⇒ I think the propose of the television is almost the same as the newspaper company.But, they can inform us of news with image on TV
4) What is the purpose, objective of Yahoo! or Google?
⇒ I think the propose of the Internet tools is helping us. When we don’t know anything about news, we can look for the detail of it on the internet.
5) The purpose of all the above is to make money. That is the purpose of all these businesses. How do they make money? By getting as many readers or viewers (”eyeballs”) as possible. If their purpose is to get as many readers or viewers or “eyeballs” as possible, then what kind of news will they publish? Give 2 or 3 examples. What kind of news will they not publish? Give 2 or 3 examples.
⇒ ・They will publish the news which is in the spotlight. For example, an artist’s romance or scandal. And they will publish the terrible case of murder, because we want to know who the suspect is.
・They will not publish the news which their company’s scandal, because they don’t want to give a bad image to us. Otherwise, they can’t get a high audience rating.
6) Find a news article in English that interests you, and write about it on your blog. Write a summary of the article, then your thoughts about it, and any interesting English words or expressions or grammar you learned from reading this.
⇒ “Handball replay graws crowds”
●my summary of this news●
⇒ Before, Handball game for the Beijing Olympics was not correct judge, so Japanese handball team prospect to the International Handball Federation. Furthermore, Japanese and Korean team played the game again. That game was interested by many Japanese people, so handball became very famous!!
●Interesting words●
reaffirme,~と再び断言する the International Handball Federation,国際ハンドボール連盟
I had never watched the handball game, but I was interested in it. I think that Handball is very powerful and exciting sports! I want the Japanese team to win in the final game!
7) Read your classmates’ blogs and comment on them on your own blog.
to Bell's blog
●my comments●
You're blog is a polite sentence.I could know new word!Dumpling is 肉入り湯で団子!!
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