
World News B 2nd November 2007

On 27 September Thursday
Kenji Nagai was killed by shooting in Rangoon.
*Because it was first time that Japanese journalist was killed.
*Because Japanese TV released the video of Mr. Nagai’s death on television.
*Because many people notice the relationship between Japan and Myanmar.

1. More than 100 people marched.
2. They were monks,
3. On 26 September, they marched in Burma.
4. The soldier had beaten up monks there on 6 September.
5. *The BBC’s Asia correspondent Andrew Harding.
*A Western diplomat.
6. More safe..
7. “bloody crackdown”means “terrible investigation”
8. People in Myanmar support to democracy. 全国的な、民主主義を支持するデモ
9. The Burmese army forcibly let children take part in their army.
10. *The Human Rights Watch organization.
*No, I don’t.

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