1. I want my school to have a lot of events to enjoy with them. For example, the school sports.
2. So I want my school rules to be easier.
3. I want my hometown to be the most beautiful place in the future.
4. I want my hometown to build a big department.
5.I want Japan to be the most comfortable country in the world.
6. I think that Japanese people is a little cool.So I want Japanese people to be kind to foreigner.
①-1 Title: Japanese kidnapped by bandits in Iran.
URL: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20071012a1.html
-2 Yes!!
-3 Japanese college students.
-4 I’m a college student too.
-5 The situation of Iran.
-6 Yes, it does.
-7 Yes.
-8 It’s important to know about world affairs.
②-1 Title: New robot con give facial massages.
-2 Yes!!
-3 People who like to be massaged.
-4 We’re able to relax with massage.
-5 Of course.
-6 The formation of robot.
-7 Yes.
-8 このロボットを必要としている、疲れた人たちがいると思うから。
③-1 Title: Health officials ponder high diabetes rate in rural rgions.
-2 Yes.
-3 All of of the people.
-4 I concern to my body.
-5 Yes.
-6 about the rate of deabetes.
-7 Yes.
-8 糖尿病は身近な病気だと思うから。
④-1 Title: 11 years in making, Hokkaido pilgrimage's first season wanes.
-2 ...Yes.
-3 仏教の人?
-4 I don't understand.
-5 No...
-6 No...
-7 So so.
-8 At the first time, I'm able to know about that.
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