
World News B January 25th 2008

-1 It was taken in Baghdad.
-2 It was taken on Wednesday April 9th 2003.
-3 The people cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
-4 群集は皆、サダム・フセインの像が倒れるのを見て、喜びの声を上げた。
-5 I think there were about 10,000 people.

-1 I think there were about 140 people.
-2 I think ‘crowds cheer’is accurate.
-3 I think the first picture shows collapsing.
-4 I think the photo can inform to around the world what the status in Baghdad
-5 I think the first photo is scary photo, because the people are very excited. The second photo is easy to understand the country circumstances.

I think that it is important for newspapers to tell the truth, because to lie is bad.

First, I’ll get a lot of information about that on the internet. Second, I’ll discussion with my friend or my family.


World News B January 18

①1,536,015 Muslims are living in Britain. (2001)
②500,000 Hindus are living in Britain (2000)
③Muslims population is here.
Hindus population is here or here.

● Japanese come top in blogging●
( Friday, January 11, 2008 週刊ST )

The Japanese speakers have gone blog-wide. There’re five times English speakers who use blogs than Japanese speakers who use blogs. Japanese speakers are less than English speakers, but more blog postings are written in Japanese than in English.
American people use a blog to promote their think or opinion to the society. So their blog sentence is short. In contrast, Japanese people use it to write about their habit or life like a diary. Japan is very wealthy countries. Almost people have PC or mobile phone so they can write a blog anywhere and anytime.

I use a my blog but I don’t contribute it frequently. It’s very difficult to write a blog. I like to watch my friend’s blog or TV actress’s blog. It’s very interesting for me! I think that they are unique.


World News B 11th January

I went to the Kashihara Shine with my friend. I’ve gone there for 4 years. There were many people!! We took a picture in front of a big ema and bought an omamori. So I felt very happy!! After that, I went to shopping mall. There were a lot of people too, so I was very tired. I couldn’t buy anything. I went my home with my friend, we ate many rice cakes. They were very delicious!! We had a good time!!

1, Scotland
2, In London. picture
3, Birth of JRR Tokien, author of Lorg of the Rings (1892)
4, This day marks the birth of the tenth and final Sikh prophet-teacher in 166 C.E. Guru Gobind Singh introduced many of the customs that Sikhs practice today including the 5 K’s.